Dear Parents,
Athletes of all ages playing contact sports are subject to the possibility of sustaining a concussion. A concussion is a brain injury which results in a temporary disruption of normal brain function. A concussion occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth or twisted inside the skull, typically from a blow to the head or body. You may find information regarding concussions on the Missouri State High School Activities Association website under ‘sports medicine’ at or
Additionally, per HB 300 regulations, MSHSAA has released the 2016 Interscholastic Youth Sports Brain Injury Report regarding the impact of student athlete concussions and head injuries and the efforts that have been made to minimize damages from school sports injuries on the MSHSAA website.
Athletic passes may be purchased for all home events at these prices: Family= $75.00 (includes adults and currently enrolled Miller students); Individual= $50.00 (single adult, graduated and above); Student= $25.00 (currently enrolled Miller student); Senior/Conference passes= free (55 and above). These are sold by our Athletic Director, located in the High School Office. Any questions, please call the High School at 417-452-3271.